Outrageous Position of Some Law Firms on Guardian/Conservator Fees

I am shocked and appalled at the position of some law firms who believe they can bill outrageous firm billing rates for guardian and conservatorship work.   In Virginia, the law very clearly states that billing for such services must be “reasonable” and the Judges of Virginia have even published very distinct guidelines as to what “reasonable” means. Typically not more than 5% of the estate being “conserved” over a period of time (starting at 1% in the first year, .75 the next and so on).

Read about the recent case in Northern Virginia that has some Elder Attorney’s up in arms.

I often get discouraged when my professional colleagues pull stunts like this one in Northern Virginia – it makes a bad name for all of us. Personally the “reasonable” fees are quite sufficient for me and I am in no way “chilled” by the ruling in Northern Virginia.
